This is how the building appeared in its prime:

Also threatened is this elegant and spare power plant:

If you feel, as do I, that these demolitions are an atrocity, please feel free to contact Mayor Daley:

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The hand sink at Villa Savoye:

Gerrit Rietveld's Schröder house in Utrecht:

- and yes you can see the gambrel roof of the house's neighbor, right behind the flat roof.

Philip Johnson's Glass House:

The Sydney Opera House:

Gehry's building at MIT:

The Opera Garnier:

Scharoun's Berlin Opera:

And, lest we go forward without reminding ourselves what a horrible, tragic waste of a person's life it is to go leaping to one's death - this is NYU's Bobst Library, of which we spoke in passing:

- not an eloquent building, but sufficient unto its day. Or, as Professor Knox might deem it, adequate.
And last, the Vesica Piscis - mystical symbol used by the ancients, the Masons, and which appears in various forms throughout Medieval architecture:

Our music for this program included:
March from Love of Three Oranges, Sergei Prokofiev,
Musetta's Waltz from La Boheme,
Waltz from Der Rosenkavalier,
and as always
Burning Down the House - Talking Heads' Live Version from the Jonathan Demme film
Keith Jarrett - encore from The Koln Concert.
Thanks for listening.
Speak with you again soon.
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